想拍合照有多難?主人拿出手機鏡頭被自家鳥猛攻 網笑:那不是珍珠啦

文/記者陳泓儒  攝影/圖截自Instagram@tabbyandthetoucan授權影片
2020/06/26 21:45




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sound on!| human is trying to take a selfie, but she’s doing it ALL WRONG!!! and she won’t even listen to me when all i’m trying to do is help!!!! ! unbelievable. | follow @tabbyandthetoucan for more cute toucan photos and videos  | ***PLEASE NOTE*** i am a rescue toucan. captive-bred and non-releasable. i have never existed in the wild and would not survive if simply dumped off in a wooded area one day, as i never existed in the wild. i was rescued from my last home because i was being horribly neglected/abused. i had an undiagnosed condition that would have otherwise killed me, i was kept in far too small and wholly inadequate housing, i was unweaned and being fed things that are contrary to my diet (and could have ultimately let to me developing hemochromatosis), i was extremely anxious and unable to be handled and no attempts to socialize me/work with me had been made, and left where i was, i would have certainly perished. i have since been in the care of an incredibly gifted and devoted avian specialist who has made it her business to her me to a clean bill of health, i am now living in a loving home where i spend the majority of my days free to roam and have an enormous aviary i sleep in, i am now weaned and on a diet appropriate for me and human refuses to deviate from it, i am happy and very well socialized, and i have been given another chance at life and have hopes of becoming an educational ambassador and traveling to schools with speak with human. that is why i live in her home.  . . . . . . . . . . . . #thedodo #toucan #toucans #tocotoucan #exoticpets #tucan #puppy #puppiesofinstagram #rescuedog #pet #puppydog #dog #animalsdoingthings #dogsofinstagram #dogstagram #asmr #birding #cuteanimals #bird #birds #cutedogs #cute #birbmemes #birbs #birb #animalvideos #babyanimals #mogwai #mogwaithetoucan #cuteanimals

A post shared by (@tabbyandthetoucan) on May 17, 2020 at 10:56am PDT

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