
文/記者鄭惠文  攝影/圖截自Instagram@pet_disneyfication
2020/06/12 19:40






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WelcomeHomeWednesday I’m just making these names up as I go at this point Hi to all my new followers!  I make weekly adoptable pet drawings, and hopefully we can help this sweet lady find a home!  This sweet girl is Gemma, she’s actually a foster of one of my followers: Veronica @veronicatladyofficial  Gemma is 6 years old and she’s a gentle soul that loves everyone! She gets along with other cats, and she’s super snuggly. She’s looking for a home because her previous owner passed away  Gemma has some dental issues but is otherwise a very happy and healthy kitty.  She’s located at Philadelphia PA. And if you’re interested or have questions you can send @veronicatladyofficial a message!  Let’s help her find a permanent place to call home, please share if you know someone that could take her!

Pet Disneyfication(@pet_disneyfication)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 6月 月 10 日 下午 1:35 張貼


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